Promptlink’s CPE Atlas+ is an evolution of the original automation found in CPE Atlas. Atlas+ adds DOCSIS 4.0 readiness and the ability to test IPTV boxes. In addition, Atlas+ is modular, allowing users to start with the support of any technology and to add additional support with minimal, fast updating of the installed systems. This reduces or eliminates the need to have significant downtime when it’s time to add new technologies.
Atlas+ is a member of Promptlink's CPE Atlas Family - the suite of IPTV, DOCSIS and PON bandwidth and functionality testers.
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CPE Atlas+ offers capacity for 16 devices, automatically tested in parallel and in any combination of models or technologies. Each model can be individually configured with flexible test cases, providing on-the-fly adjustments to test parameters. Firmware can be updated before or after testing wherever such functions are supported by the device and technology. You can even “pre-stage” new devices straight from the factory with operator-specific firmware, speeding up installations significantly. This provides cost-savings, as installations can be costly, and technicians often wait 15-20 minutes for a firmware upgrade in a customer’s home when they could be on to their next installation.
Self-installs are made smoother and provide a better customer experience when devices are pre-qualified and updated to the latest firmware, reducing truck rolls and installation expenses. Customer experience is also improved when EVERY tested device is certified as functionally ready for deployment.
With a diverse product mix, Atlas+ gives the ultimate agility in being able to test exactly the mix of products received as customer returns. Test IPTV, PON, and all supported technologies in parallel on the same test rack, matching the inflow of customer devices as needed.
Promptlink’s testing technology has been trusted by the largest operators for over 20 years. Avoid subjective manual testing and expensive outsourcing solutions. Test your equipment and save time and money. You are the product experts for your technology, so don’t trust someone else to ensure customer satisfaction. Keep quality control in-house, or use a trusted, independent outside tester who uses Promptlink technology. Promptlink is committed to honest, thorough testing of your CPE, guaranteeing that your customer always receives a working device, so you can quickly turn equipment around and maximize your revenue.
Don’t trust someone else to validate your critical equipment - use Promptlink’s CPE Atlas+ to be sure that customer satisfaction and your hard-earned revenue is maximized.
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